jade beads necklace -interesting, assorted sizes, shapes, colours - long necklace
* The foundation is wonderful pure white nephrite jade beads(8mm), high quality with high density and fine texture.
* Most remarkable feature of this long necklace is its richness with various shape and size and colour and even different types of jade.The biggest bead is 13mm and the smallest is 6mm.
White nephrite, brown nephrite,purple nephrite, yellow nephrite,green jadeite, brown jadeite, red jadeite , icy jadeite, lake green jadeite ……
* various shape and colour , a lot to discover.
* All perfect natural beads with great energy.
* Long as26 inches comfortable wearing. Flexible to turn around with different appearance.
* The foundation is wonderful pure white nephrite jade beads(8mm), high quality with high density and fine texture.
* Most remarkable feature of this long necklace is its richness with various shape and size and colour and even different types of jade.The biggest bead is 13mm and the smallest is 6mm.
White nephrite, brown nephrite,purple nephrite, yellow nephrite,green jadeite, brown jadeite, red jadeite , icy jadeite, lake green jadeite ……
* various shape and colour , a lot to discover.
* All perfect natural beads with great energy.
* Long as26 inches comfortable wearing. Flexible to turn around with different appearance.
* The foundation is wonderful pure white nephrite jade beads(8mm), high quality with high density and fine texture.
* Most remarkable feature of this long necklace is its richness with various shape and size and colour and even different types of jade.The biggest bead is 13mm and the smallest is 6mm.
White nephrite, brown nephrite,purple nephrite, yellow nephrite,green jadeite, brown jadeite, red jadeite , icy jadeite, lake green jadeite ……
* various shape and colour , a lot to discover.
* All perfect natural beads with great energy.
* Long as26 inches comfortable wearing. Flexible to turn around with different appearance.